How To Market Online Casino

According to the Online Casino Gaming Market report, the global market is expected to witness a relatively higher growth rate during the forecast period. The study on Online Casino Gaming market presents a comprehensive analysis of the key growth markers of this industry vertical in accordance with the regional outlook and competitive landscape. Use Relevant SEO Keywords. Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important if you want to market online casinos effectively. Using the right SEO keywords can get your online casino placed on the first page of Google and other search results.

The Internet provides an enormous opportunity for marketing your casino, as long as you know how to use it. You need to attract people to your casino’s doors, encourage them to spend some money, and provide a fun, memorable experience.

But how can you do that online?

Keep reading to learn how to market a casino online and build a competitive casino marketing strategy. If you need help with using digital marketing to promote your casino, give us a call at 888-601-5359 or contact us online!

3 best casino marketing ideas

The best (and most effective) casino marketing ideas include:

1. Create a highly functional website

Your website is often the first point of contact between you and your customer, so it’s vital that your site accurately represents your casino and gets incorporated into your casino marketing strategy.

A well-designed site is clear, focused, and user-friendly, and it gives visitors a taste of what they can expect when they walk through your doors. Your logo, interior décor, tables, alcohol selection, events calendar — it’s all essential information for your website.

Your site should also be easy to navigate.

Users want to be able to jump from menu to menu and quickly find what they want. Highlight your casino’s key features at the top of your pages with drop-down menus. Then, whenever a visitor to your site wants information on what you offer, they can get it easily on their own.

You should also have a page dedicated to your casino’s history, how it interacts with local communities, your company’s contact information, and more. That may seem like unneeded information, but it’s actually a great way to encourage site visitors to choose your casino.

2. Start a blog

A blog is an affordable and effective way to show visitors to your site that you’re an active, modern company with a lot to offer, making it an essential casino marketing strategy.

You can write blogs about what’s going on in the casino industry, your schedule of events, popular games, the math behind gambling, the psychology of gambling, and so much more. All of these topics are great ways to get attention to your site and, by extension, your casino.

When you consistently update and promote your blog posts, you can get a loyal following of readers who can help spread the word about your casino through social media and word of mouth. Even if someone’s just coming to your site to read an interesting blog post you wrote, you’re still spreading brand awareness with practically no investment cost.

All you have to do is consistently update your blog and promote it around the Internet, and you can make sure everyone hears about your casino, the casino industry, and more.

3. Create an email newsletter

One of the best low-cost ways to market a casino online and keep in touch with visitors to your site is an email database. This database has the potential to deliver a huge ROI to your casino since it requires practically nothing to create, and maintain — just space on your website’s server.

You can start building an email database easily with your website.

All you have to do is have an area for people to type their name and email address to sign up for your newsletter. You can also tell visitors to sign up at the end of your blog posts to make sure they know they can hear more from you. The more email addresses you acquire, the more people you can encourage to come to your casino.

Once you have enough email addresses, you can send out newsletters on a regular basis to keep people engaged with your casino. Like a blog, these newsletters can cover any number of topics from new projects going on in your casino to a band that you booked to play on a Saturday night. You can also advertise any special deals you offer, new additions to your staff, and more.


In general, you can follow a short set of guidelines to make sure you get the most from your email newsletters and casino marketing strategy.

  • Use strong subject lines: The subject line of your email is like the headline of a newspaper article. If the headline doesn’t catch someone’s attention, they won’t read. The same is true for your email. Write accurate, concise, and enticing subjects for every newsletter you send.
  • Highlight multiple topics: In a newsletter, you can give a brief overview about a variety of different topics to make sure people know what’s going on at your casino.
  • Inform readers: The biggest objective of your newsletter is to entice people to come back to your casino. Give them the information they need to make that decision, including dates, ideas, and more.
  • Write concisely copy: Email newsletters generally aren’t big, and that means you need to make every word count. Write a few sentences about each item on your newsletter and give readers a link to click so they can read more.
  • Incorporate your casino’s image in the design: Whenever someone sees your newsletter, it should be clear that it came from your casino. That could include using specific colors, layouts, and even fonts to make sure people recognize your brand.

With a big base of email addresses and a consistent newsletter, you can easily bring people to your casino for a great night any day of the week.

Get started with these casino marketing ideas today!

Need help with marketing your casino online?

At WebFX, we’ve worked with casinos in the past to make sure that they can get as many people through their doors as possible. Our work in search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), content marketing, social media marketing, and more has all worked wonders for our clients in the past — and we’ll do the same for your casino.

Do you want more gamblers on your casino floor? Contact us today to set up your casino digital marketing strategy!

Reach more visitors online

When you partner with WebFX, we'll create a winning online marketing strategy tailored to your needs and goals.

Speak with a strategistI’ve said it on many occasions, one of my favorite things to talk about is strategy, specifically marketing strategy. A solid strategy unveils a path to success because it identifies where you want to end up. It differs from your marketing plan, which is the collection of steps you’ll take on the path and the tools you’ll need to get further.

You may (or may not) know that most of my work history has been in the casino industry. It has been a career that has allowed me to grow in my skills as a marketer. And though I work in other industries now, I often rely on the lessons learned “taking a gamble.” There are five casino marketing strategies any business, large or small, can adopt.

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Database Marketing

Like any other businesses, casinos compete for the disposable dollars of adults, specifically disposable dollars that adult may choose to use for entertainment. Casino marketers are asking for a not-so-insignificant part of that entertainment budget. While a trip to the movies with popcorn and soda could easily top $50 for two people, casinos are looking for that spend from one adult. So, how they identify and target is worth a look. In my opinion, few companies leverage a database quite like a casino. They have been collecting information about customers for years and are now able to leverage that information to determine who the most valuable customers are today and will be tomorrow. They have learned to understand the triggers that drive visits during targeted times. And, given the explosion of technology, they continue to use snail mail in successful ways. You can do this too! CRM and sales tools about from free starters great for small businesses to rock star business intelligence tools.

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Personalization

You’ve seen the movies. You’ve seen HIM. He’s the slick smooth-talking casino host. Wrong! Let’s bring that time machine back to the present. Today’s casino host is part salesperson, part customer service representative. The primary functions of the casino host are to create experiences for high worth customers by providing the complimentary perks that make their visit truly personal. At the core of this function is the understanding that casino customers – indeed all of us – want the businesses we patronize to know who we are and what we like. Years ago, I dropped a dress off to my usual dry cleaner. I walked in and place my dress on the counter as usual. The young lady behind the counter greeted me and proceeded to complete my ticket and letting me know when my dress would be ready. Notice anything? She didn’t ask for my name. She knew it even though I barely stopped there every one or two months. To this day, that little moment is still memorable. Jim White is vice president of customer experience for Symphony Post Acute Network. As one of the most innovative providers of post acute care, Symphony looked to him to create an environment that would differentiate them. Sure. “In the Medical Resort model that we have created, a personalized experience is truly the only way to differentiate yourself from all the other businesses that do what we do. It’s all the the little extra touches – in addition to the excellent clinical care we provide, that causes more people to recommend us and make us their provider of choice.”

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: A Chance to Win

Ever wonder what makes people buy lottery tickets when the odds are stacked against them? Psychologists will tell you that our brains can’t really compute probabilities that are that high. They might also argue we mere humans fall into a trap of “near miss”, in other words, “If I was that close this time, I could be the winner next time.” But what about freebies? When 7-Eleven gives away free Slurpees, people line up by the hundreds and thousands. Whether it be free or a gamble, people want a chance to win something. Casinos understand this and build calendars of events that use drawings, free spins and tournaments to create multiple chances to win.

How To Market Online Casino Game

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Value

How To Market Online Casino

Anyone with a dollar to spend wants to feel they are getting something of value for that dollar. Casinos understand pricing and value like few other businesses. Thousands of focus groups have repeated the same feeling. Gamblers know the odds of winning are not in their favor, but the want to be able to play a sufficient amount of time with the budget they have. That’s how they interpret value on the casino floor. Additionally, casinos price certain food venues to appeal to that need for value. Value is not a dollar amount, it is the relationship to your customer’s wallet. So, as you look at your offerings and customer experience, think about those moments you add value and where you take it away. Sometimes, something as easy as using a POS system that easily emails a receipt can add value to a checkout.

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Community

Let’s be honest, when casinos came to the area, many looked forward to the fun and excitement. Few really believed the operations would enhance the community. At the last company I worked for, employees performed over 14,000 hours of community service in only one year. Perform a simple search on the American Gaming Association site and you’ll see example on top of example of how the communities were enriched by the hard work of casino employees. And, yes, I am aware that some people are unable (through their own control or forces beyond their control) to game responsibly, but this story is amount being a part of the community and encouraging your employees to use their time (and perhaps a day or two of yours) to be a part of this beautiful city and the surrounding parishes. Get involved. There are too many needs and I bet given the opportunity, your employees would love to get involved.

As a marketer, I constantly look to all industries for examples of best practices. These are the five casino marketing strategies that can easily be adopted by you.

A shortened version of this column appeared in the October 2017 issue of Biz New Orleans.