Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Trick

  • RNG Manipulation of Wild Pokémon
    • Sweet Scent
    • Fishing
    • Rock Smash

Then go three machines above him you should get a jackpot almost every time. If that does'nt work try the machine right below that. That machine is'nt quite as lucky but it's at least second best. After you get a jackpot on that machine it's out of luck. Then go back up to the top machin. Have fun it may take about half an hour, but TRUST me it works.


The land of Hoenn is teeming with wild Pokémon; for the purpose of RNG manipulation, a 'wild Pokémon' is one that is found via any of the following ways:

  • Encounter in tall grass, except Latias or Latios
  • Encounter in seaweed or deep sand
  • Encounter on water, except Latias or Latios
  • Encounter in caves or Pokémon-infested structures (such as Mt. Pyre or New Mauville)
  • Encounter while fishing
  • Encounter after using Rock Smash

It is important to define a 'wild' Pokémon so that you know RNG manipulation for Magikarp is different from that of Kyogre. In part, this is due to the way that wild Pokémon's IVs and PIDs are generated. The vast majority of wild Pokémon are generated via method 2; there are a few anomalies which are generated by method 4. A method 4 spread resembles a combination of two method 2 spreads, not unlike split spreads in breeding. When a method 4 spread occurs, the game chooses to generate the first half of the Pokémon's IVs in the same place as it would generate the first half of the IVs from the previous method 2 spread; this would be an unused RNG call for a regular method 2 spread. However, by generating IVs at this call, a method 4 Pokémon will share the first half of its IVs (and the last four hex digits of its PID) with the method 2 spread that preceded it. For more technical information, see X-Act's article on PID Creation. What you need to know for RNG manipulation is that the natures and IVs for method 2 Pokémon on any given frame are different from those that are generated by other methods. Additionally, if a Pokémon emerges with an unlisted 'split' spread, it is likely a product of method 4 rearing its head.

All wild Pokémon, aside from Ditto, can be obtained through breeding; in most cases, good spreads occur through breeding before one of comparable quality can be found on a wild Pokémon. As such, the most practical reason to catch wild Pokémon is for breeding fodder; particularly, a collection of Dittos with an IV of 31 in each stat is one of a breeder's oldest and most trusted. Other players may wish to catch a wild Pokémon in a certain Ball for aesthetic purposes, or try to capture an elusive shiny version of a Pokémon (see the section on shiny spreads in the Introduction).

Spread Selection

Under the banner of wild Pokémon, there are three main subcategories: 'Sweet Scent', Fishing, and Rock Smash. The former two are relatively easy to manipulate, whereas the latter is highly impractical. Regardless, they are all generated by method 2 (for the most part), so they should share the same spreads. Here is a list of useful method 2 spreads to help get you started:

FrameTimeNatureAbilityHPAtkDefSpASpDSpeHidden Power5012.52575
237796:36.31Adamant0282930242729Grass 52MMMM
3648410:08.06Adamant0232631182331Grass 70FMFF
302168:23.60Bold1282029303126Fire 65MMMM
4956813:46.13Bold0271627313029Ghost 63FMMF
6328917:34.81Bold131326262831Poison 49FMFF
117353:15.58Brave127312528280Flying 31MMMM
5984116:37.35Brave123312718241Ground 44MMMM
5917316:26.21Brave131312726205Ground 44MMMM
6779318:49.88Brave0293123303121Electric 64FMMF
6790318:51.71Brave1272525252430Bug 35FMMF
114553:10.91Calm1291826243129Water 54FMMF
182855:04.75Calm0312831292531Dragon 38MMMM
5637515:39.58Calm029031183028Flying 63MMMM
6978619:23.10Calm0291828292922Electric 36FFFF
143583:59.30Careful129292543030Flying 55MMMF
202355:37.25Careful1282831262720Fire 63MMMM
6276217:26.03Careful03128296285Ground 40MMMF
82202:17.00Hasty1252813283031Ground 55FMFF
100692:47.81Hasty025302728730Fire 59MMMM
340459:27.41Hasty1303027262530Fire 49MMMF
6368917:41.48Hasty12625826730Fire 66MMMF
6506718:04.45Hasty023252261930Fire 68FMMF
352479:47.45Jolly1252630153031Bug 69FFFF
4153911:32.31Jolly1312725242631Ground 57MMMF
5955916:32.65Jolly1303130292930Electric 39FMMF
3783510:30.58Impish1271831133130Psychic 59MMMF
4140611:30.10Impish0252428192627Bug 65MMMM
5873116:18.85Impish1302628283111Water 57MMMF
6846219:01.03Impish1312426242624Fighting 53FMFF
7152419:52.06Impish026313127303Steel 70FFFF
249706:56.16Mild1292828242631Poison 55FMFF
79162:11.93Modest0302230272726Electric 70MMMM
4720113:06.68Modest0222721302231Ground 67MMMM
7078319:39.71Modest0282031262130Fire 47MMMM
168664:41.10Naive0292819311631Ghost 47FFFF
263867:19.76Naive117291126830Flying 47MMMM
3860210:43.36Naive029302726431Ground 49FMFF
5548315:24.71Naive0292929272718Ice 65MMMF
6828518:58.08Naive1163120282530Fire 36FMFF
4006211:07.70Naughty128242828308Fighting 50MMMM
4084111:20.68Rash1303130242913Grass 34MMMM
224866:14.76Quiet124203031233Ice 68FMMF
3694610:15.76Quiet131293124305Ground 53MMMM
4849313:28.21Quiet0262920313028Rock 61MMMF
5462215:10.36Quiet030292627220Rock 63MMMF
154874:18.11Relaxed0313025283011Ground 57FMFF
244386:47.30Relaxed1293029142716Fire 61FMMF
3764710:27.45Relaxed028127262731Grass 68MMMF
5068314:04.71Relaxed02823030255Water 43MMMM
6246317:21.05Relaxed026283023302Ground 68FMMF
239386:38.96Sassy12930301272Electric 59MMMM
266507:24.16Sassy028273063129Grass 64FFFF
170594:44.31Timid0223028223031Flying 67FMMF
284067:53.43Timid0311528253029Ghost 52FMFF

For a complete list of frames up to and including 100,000 please download this .csv file.


A very useful Pokémon to have while resetting for wild Pokémon is a Synchronizer. As you may or may not be aware, if the Pokémon in the first slot of your party has the ability Synchronize, there is a 50% chance that you will encounter wild Pokémon with the same nature. What happens when Synchronize activates is that RNG cycles through frames until it finds a spread that has the same nature as the Synchronizer—regardless of what frame you actually landed on. This increases the margin of error while trying to hit a spread; if you use a Synchronizer with the same nature as the spread you want to hit, there is a 50% chance you will be able to obtain said spread, despite actually hitting an earlier frame.

Synchronize is not without its limitations, its usefulness notwithstanding. First of all, it is not as effective if the spread you want is preceded by another spread of the same nature; the closer the preceding spread is, the more precise you will have to be with your timing. It is also harder to make changes to your timing with a Synchronizer; if the Pokémon you catch has a Synchronized nature, it cannot be used to see what frame you hit. This is due to Synchronize advancing frames to find the right nature; the frame you actually hit could be 10, 20, or even 100 frames back. Synchronizing also cannot help you if you are too late to hit your spread; the RNG can only go forward, not back, so Synchronize can only latch onto the next spread, not the nearest.

That said, having the appropriate Synchronizer will, more often than not, greatly increase the margin of error while trying to hit a spread; even if the difference is small, two frames' breathing space is better than one. Also, your Sychronizer does not need any battling prowess; a Synchronizer will work even if it is incapacitated, so long as it is in the first slot. That means if you knock out your Synchronizer beforehand, and put your catcher in the second slot, the catcher will be the first onto the field, while Synchronize's added effect is retained. Without further ado, here is a list of Pokémon that can have the trait Synchronize:

Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Mew, Natu, Xatu, Espeon, Umbreon, Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir
Mew, Espeon, and Umbreon can only have Synchronize as their ability, though acquiring them involves trading. Abra and Ralts can both be caught in Emerald, though they are both rare, can have two abilities, and the former can instantly Teleport out of battle. Natu and Xatu are only available in the Safari Zone, though you can attract those of certain natures by putting a Pokéblock that nature likes on the feeder. If all else fails, you can try breeding one of the above Pokémon until one with Synchronize and the right nature appears; this is easier if you have a female or Ditto with the nature you desire holding an Everstone. Trading opens up some other options; you can soft reset at the Game Corner in FireRed or LeafGreen to get an Abra with Synchronize and the nature you want. Additionally, if you trade over an Eevee with the desired nature, it will evolve into Espeon or Umbreon when it levels up at maximum happiness during day or night respectively.

Sweet Scent

While it is doubtful that most Pokémon have pleasant scents, they are certainly attracted by them. The 'Sweet Scent' category of Pokémon gets its name from the move that is used to force an encounter with them. When used on a tile that has wild Pokémon, the move Sweet Scent will put you in an encounter without fail. Sweet Scent works in the first four scenarios that define a wild Pokémon: found in tall grass, seaweed or deep sand, caves and structures, or on water. Using Sweet Scent to encounter these Pokémon is vital; you do not have to deal with the randomness of generating a wild encounter, as Sweet Scent will guarantee you can encounter a Pokémon at the right time. A list of Pokémon that learn Sweet Scent is as follows:

Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Paras, Parasect, Oddish, Gloom, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Bellosom, Shuckle, Smeargle, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Surskit, Masquerain, Mawile, Illumise, Roselia, and Tropius
Unfortunately, many of these Pokémon are not readily available in Emerald. Even some that are: Shuckle, Smeargle, Lotad, Lombre, and Ludicolo, only learn Sweet Scent through another Pokémon; Smeargle via Sketch, and the others by breeding. That said, the Pokémon that naturally learn Sweet Scent, and are readily available in Emerald are:
Oddish, Gloom, Mawile, Illumise, and Tropius
Taking into account that, like a Pokémon with an HM move, your Sweet Scenter never has to be used in battle, Oddish is your best option. It is common, easy to catch, and often knows Sweet Scent when it is caught. Should you stumble upon a Gloom, Mawile, Illumise, or Tropius with Sweet Scent, they will do fine as well.

Once you have your Sweet Scenter, do some research to find out just where the Pokémon you want appears; try to pick the spot where it is most common, if possible. Then, prepare your party; make sure you leave an empty space so you can easily check the Pokémon you catch, and be sure a Pokémon knows any HM moves you will need to reach your destination. When you are ready, head to the location where you will find the Pokémon that you want. Save in a place where you can start an encounter, such as in a patch of tall grass. If you are going to be Sweet Scenting in a cave or structure, try to save after taking a couple steps inside; Sweet Scent seems to be somewhat fickle if you try to use it immediately after entering an indoor location.

Calibration and Soft Resetting

Before trying to hit your frame, you will need to undergo a calibration process. This is because the RNG does not select a frame immediately after you use Sweet Scent; the frame is chosen the instant before the battle begins. In between the two is the Sweet Scent animation: the Sweet Scenter utters its cry, then the screen gains a pink filter until the transition to battle. You must adjust your timing to account for this animation. During the calibration process, be sure to temporarily move your Synchronizer out of your first slot, lest it activates, causing a jump in frames.

For calibration, pick a spread that occurs after a short period of time, in order to make the process as quick and as painless as possible. However, be sure to leave enough room to adjust your time; a spread that occurs after roughly 40 seconds should do nicely. You will also need a pen and paper, or some other place to record your results.

Once your spread is selected, get your (literal) game on, and ready your time-tracking apparatus; a stopwatch must be set to 0, and a timer to the appropriate time. Press down on three of the soft reset buttons (A+B+Start+Select), and initiate some finger acrobatics so that you may press the last button (A or B works best) and start the time device at the same time.

Upon resetting the game, pound the A button to skip through the game's intro and boot up your file. Once you are in the game world, open up the menu and view your party. Select your Sweet Scenter, and a small menu will pop up, which lets you view the Pokémon's summary or use field moves; Sweet Scent should be here in a blue font, not unlike moves such as Fly or Flash. Let the cursor hover over Sweet Scent until your timer runs out or your stopwatch hits the desired time; this is the moment you press A, and simultaneously stop your stopwatch if applicable.

Capture the Pokémon you encounter, then determine its IVs; the number of Rare Candies required to get exact results varies depending on the Pokémon's level. The 'IV man' is not terribly helpful for wild Pokémon; at his best, he can spot an IV of 31, but multiple Rare Candies outshine his vague statements. With your Pokémon's IVs calculated, take note of its nature, and find which frame it resides on. In order to successfully adjust your timing, you must calculate the difference between the frame you hit, and the one you were aiming for.

As an example, if frame 2,670 was hit, but your desired spread was on frame 2,400, subtract 2,670 from 2,400. The difference is -270 frames; recall that the RNG runs at roughly 60 frames per second, and divide this number by 60. The end result is -4.5; this means that you will want to press A 4.5 seconds earlier in order to hit your spread.

If you wish, you may repeat the calibration process using your new timing, in order to get as close to your spread as you possibly can. You can also skip right to the real deal and reset for your desired Pokémon. When you are ready to do so, record the total time to adjust; if you were 4.5 seconds late the first time, but 0.1 early the next, you would write down -4.4 seconds, not +0.1. On that note, it is okay to be a little early if you are using a Synchronizer; if it activates, the advancement of frames can make up the difference. Be sure to record the name of your Sweet Scenter next to the time. Once you are satisfied with your calibration results, you should not have to repeat this process as long as you use the same Pokémon to Sweet Scent. This is because of the individual Pokémon's cry during the Sweet Scent animation; no two Sweet Scenters have cries of the same length, so the animation has different timing for each Sweet Scenter.

Once your calibration is complete, move the Synchronizer back into the first slot of your party. From here, resetting for your desired Pokémon is virtually the same as the process described above, sans the references to calibration, and using your frame numbers. Just remember: do not try to adjust your timing based on a Pokémon with the same nature as your Synchronizer! With help from Synchronize, it should be fairly easy to obtain your spread. The only problem is getting the specific species of Pokémon you want; depending on how rare the Pokémon in question is, it can take many attempts.

That said, do not get discouraged if you get the right spread on the wrong Pokémon. All that means is you've done your part correctly, but other parts of the RNG didn’t co-operate. So long as you keep trying, you should be able to Sweet Scent your desired Pokémon.


When setting out to fish, the only additional piece of equipment you will need is the fisherman's greatest asset: a nice, long rod (of the fishing variety). Depending on what Pokémon you wish to reel in, you will want to register a different Rod to the Select button before you begin; choose the Rod that has the highest (or only) chance to snag the Pokémon you want, and head to the route where it is most abundant. You will want to have your Synchronizer in the lead, and at least one empty slot; depending on the Pokémon, the HM Surf may be required to advance.

Hooking up with Feebas

Feebas is a Pokémon that doesn't like to follow the rules. It is only found in a specific location—six specific locations to be accurate. Feebas is found on Route 119, but only on six water tiles. These tiles are random, and they change every day, or with Dewford's Trendy Phrase. Note that it is the act of changing the Trendy Phrase that moves Feebas, not the Trendy Phrase itself; no set of words has a higher chance of 'easy' Feebas tiles than another, and two games with the same Trendy Phrase do not necessarily have the same Feebas tiles. The only way to find Feebas on any given day is to go over the water tiles with a fine-tooth comb—or a Super Rod. Beginning at the top of the river, dip the Super Rod into each tile at least twice until you find one where Feebas appears.

The good news for RNG manipulation is that Feebas is fairly common on the tiles where it is found. The bad news is that you must start your search anew each time the in-game clock ticks over to midnight. As such, it is best to reset for Feebas in a single day; try to find a day when you have enough time to both search for Feebas and to reset for it. Aside from its quirks, resetting for Feebas follows the same basic directions as the rest of the Pokémon plucked from the sea.

Soft Resetting

Once you're all set to do some fishing, save your game in a spot where you can quickly dip your registered Rod in some water; in Feebas' case, that means in front of a tile where it resides. Make sure the game is on to begin with, and that your stopwatch or timer is ready to aid you on your quest; a timer should be set to the time when your spread is supposed to occur, and a stopwatch should be at 0. Press three of the four buttons that initiate a soft reset (A+B+Start+Select) and find a way to simultaneously hit the last button (A or B work best) and start your temporal tracker.

When the game is reset, rapidly tap the A button to skip past the opening cinematic and load your save. Once you are in the game, press Select to whip out your Rod, and be ready to tap the A button whenever the 'Oh! A bite!' message appears. Don't fret if there isn't even a nibble; nonchalantly plunge your Rod back into the sea until a Pokémon bites the hook. Tap A whenever there is a bite, until the message 'A POKéMON's on the hook!' appears; the next time you press A, the Pokémon's spread will be selected. Wait until your timer runs out or your stopwatch hits the appropriate time to do so; if you are using a stopwatch, make sure you stop it at the same time you press A, in order to see what time you hit.

Catch the Pokémon you had on the line, then proceed to check its IVs; the number of Rare Candies required to get results has an inverse relationship with the Pokémon's level. If you did not hit the spread you wanted, take note of the Pokémon's nature. If it matches your Synchronizer's, simply reset and repeat the above process. If it has any other nature, check to see what frame you hit, and calculate the difference between this frame and the one you wanted. Then, take this number and divide it by 60 to see approximately how many seconds earlier or later you should reset. Bear in mind that it is better to be a tad early than it is to be late; Synchronize jumps forward, so it can make up the difference.

Repeat the process as previously detailed until you manage to hit your spread. Do not fret if the right spread occurs on the wrong Pokémon; there are usually fewer Pokémon available with any given Rod than in the average patch of grass. That means that it should not take too many attempts before you are able to fish up the Pokémon you want!

Rock Smash

Rock Smash is the black sheep in the RNG manipulation flock, though it rolled in the dirt to give its coat such a hue; it is far and away the least reliable. Unlike using Sweet Scent in a patch of grass, there is no way to ensure an encounter while using Rock Smash, and the latter seems to give encounters at a rate of approximately 10% of the time. Additionally, a Rock Smash encounter occurs after the smashing animation; there is no way to 'lock in' to ensure an encounter early, meaning if you do not get an encounter when your spread occurs, you are out of luck. On top of it all, you are left to hope that your Synchronizer works, and that the right type of Pokémon appears. Essentially, you will be at the mercy of the RNG while attempting to manipulate it.

There are two main reasons to reset for Rock Smash Pokémon: Nosepass and Shuckle, both of which can only be obtained through Rock Smash or breeding. Nosepass is exclusive to the bottom floor of Granite Cave, where it has a 30% chance of appearing over Geodude. Shuckle can only be found in the northernmost area of Emerald's expanded Safari Zone, which becomes available upon defeating the Elite Four. Shuckle is the only Pokémon that can emerge from the rocks there; the catch is that its capture (or lack thereof) is dependant on Safari Zone mechanics.

When setting off to smash rocks, you will need your Synchronizer in the lead, and a Pokémon that knows Rock Smash; the obvious choices. For Shuckle, no other Pokémon are required, though you will need a Pokéblock case from Lilycove's Contest Hall to be admitted to the Safari Zone. For Nosepass, be sure to bring along a Pokémon that knows the HM Flash to make traversing the Granite Cave much easier.

In the case of any Pokémon found outside the Safari Zone, you will want to save your game in front of a rock in an area where it can appear. Shuckle is a bit trickier; you must save a tile before the receptionist who asks you for your entry fee, as you cannot save during a Safari Game.

Calibration and Soft Resetting

Pokemon Slot Machine

There is yet another impediment to streamlining the Rock Smash experience: calibration. In a similar vein to Sweet Scent, there is an animation featuring the Rock Smasher, the smashing of a rock, and a transition to battle in the time between using Rock Smash and a spread being selected. You will need to do a calibration run with your Rock Smasher to find out how to adjust your timing to account for the animation. During calibration, be sure to move your Synchronizer out of the first slot of your party, so it does not have any chance of choosing a frame higher than the one you hit.

To begin calibration, you will want to select a spread that occurs at around 40 seconds; this is enough time to make adjustments as necessary, but short enough so as to be a reasonable wait. It is not recommended to calibrate using Shuckle; you will need to select a later spread in order to account for your journey through the Safari Zone. It is also wise to have some way to record your results, be it a pen and paper or a text file on your computer.

When you are ready to Rock Smash, ensure that your game is on, and your stopwatch or timer is set up; at 0 or your spread's time respectively. Press down three of the face buttons that soft reset the game (A+B+Start+Select), and position your fingers so that you can press the last button (A or B) and start your stopwatch or timer without delay. After the game resets, mash the A button to skip the opening and load your file. If you are resetting for Shuckle, walk forward and pay the Safari Zone entrance fee as quickly as possible, then hurry over to the area where the Shuckle-yielding rocks are found.

There are two ways to proceed from here; deciding which one to take is a matter of personal preference. The first is closest to the way you have likely been smashing rocks during your Hoenn adventure. Press A in front of the rock, and select 'YES' to confirm that you would indeed like to smash it. Then wait at the dialogue box that reads '[Pokémon] used ROCK SMASH!' The other way is closer to using Sweet Scent. Open up the menu and view your party, then scroll down to the Pokémon that knows Rock Smash. Press A, and let the cursor hover over 'ROCK SMASH', displayed in blue text. Whichever way you choose, wait until your timer runs out or your stopwatch reaches the spread's time, and press A, stopping your stopwatch if you are using one.

If no Pokémon appeared, repeat the process described above until you manage to get attacked. Catch the Pokémon that will eventually appear, and check its IVs using Rare Candies. Once you have discovered your Pokémon's IVs, find what frame it was on, and calculate the difference between that frame and the one you were aiming for. Divide this number by 60 to find how many seconds to change your timing by. Keep in mind that when using a Synchronizer, it is usually safe to be a tad bit early.

If you want accuracy, you can repeat the calibration process using whatever time you found, until you get as close to your frame as you can. If feel you are close enough, find the final time you need to adjust by, using all your attempts (so -5.2 and +0.3 would become -4.9 seconds). Record this time along with the name of your Rock Smasher for future reference. Like Sweet Scent, Rock Smashers have cries of different lengths (bar odd exceptions such as Charizard and Rhyhorn), so this calibration will, in most cases, only work with the Pokémon you tested with. Use this Pokémon for further Rock Smash endeavours, and you will not have to undergo calibration again.

After completing calibration, your Synchronizer should assume its position as your lead Pokémon. To soft reset, simply follow the directions listed above; only remove references to calibration. Remember: do not alter your timing if you get a Pokémon with the same nature as your Synchronizer. Soft Resetting for the perfect Rock Smash Pokémon is an uphill battle, and a test of any trainer's patience and determination. The odds are admittedly not in your favour, but it is possible to catch your desired Rock Smash Pokémon nonetheless.

This page contains Unlockables, Glitches, Hints, Tricks, Tips and Secrets for Pokemon Emerald organized by sections for GameBoy Advance. If you don’t want use Gameshark Codes or you play on game the real GBA without Gameshark device, this page’s contents are very suitable for you.

Glitches – Hints – Tricks – Secrets

In-game reset:
Press A + B + Start + Select during game play.

Clone your Pokemon with holding item

  1. First, you should have the Pokemon which you want to clone in your Pokemon team.
  2. Fly to BATTLE FRONTIER and go to BATTLE TOWER. Go to the PC in the Tower and deposite the Pokemon you will clone, then save the game.
  3. Next, withdraw it and talk to the lady who lets you go to MULTI LINK BATTLE in the last roll. Choose OPEN LEVEL and select 3 Pokemon.
  4. When she asks you to save the game before entering, say YES, it will stop for a few seconds, and when the screen shows to overwrite the game, say NO, then turn the game off. Now turn it on again, you will see that you’re in front of the MULTI LINK lady.
  5. Check in your team and you will find that the Pokemon that you want to clone is in your team and another one is in the box that you deposited in the Pokemon that you cloned. Very useful for getting: more 1-off items, like the Master Ball and TMs, without trading; berries, especially if your internal battery is dry; more money; more pokemon available to trade, so you can complete the Hoenn Dex and get a Jhoto Starter! I did this and got 999 rare candies and 999 master balls. I never run out.
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Level Up Unhatched Pokemon
To do this glitch, you must first execute the Pomeg Berry Glitch, which is done by using a Pomeg Berry on a Pokemon with 1 or 2 HP so that its HP loops to 65,535 (displayed as ?35 in-game). Do so, however, with only one Pokemon and an Egg in the party, with the Egg in the top-leftmost slot of the party in the Pokemon menu. After executing the glitch, you will now be able to enter battles and use the Pokemon Egg as if it were a normal Pokemon. It will function as a normal Pokemon – you can view the stats it will have upon hatching, it can level-up by beating Pokemon, it can learn new moves, it can even evolve. This means that you can alter the Pokemon inside the Egg in otherwise-illegitimate ways. For example. Pikachu cannot normally know Thunder when hatching from an Egg at Level 5; through this glitch, Pikachu can. Similarly, you can hatch Eggs with fully-evolved Pokemon such as Typhlosion, Meganium, and so on, inside.

Getting more Master Balls (it works best with Ultra Ball)
This hint works with: Poke Ball, Great Ball, Net Ball, Dive Ball (some times) and Ultra Ball! If you make a mistake, it will break. Okay now lets git on with it when throw the ball and it opens hit ab and whenever it bounces ab when it stops bouncing wait (tricky part) then when it moves ab and when it is going to spark ab (note you press ab at the same time). This trick works about 90% of all time!

Save your master ball
Here is a tip, save your masterball and you will be happy. you can clone at battle frontier and you get that after beating the elite four. just get the ss tidal ticket and go to slateport or lilycove harbor and go to the other town. you will see scott on the ship and he will tell you about battle frontier and just take the boat again to go there. if you give a pokemon the masterball then clone it a couple times(which i posted)you will be able to catch all the legendaries(besides the other [email protected]) there are rayquazza,groudon,kyogre, Latias or Latios,Regirock,RegiIce,and Registeel. You will need a total of 8 masterballs(1 extra so that you dont use up your last one then not have any more).

Pomeg Berry Glitch
For this glitch to work properly, you must have a Pomeg Berry and a Pokemon who has not had their HP lowered as much as possible already through Pomeg Berries. (If the latter is the case, the use of HP Ups on the Pokemon will suffice.) Get the Pokemon to a severely low level of HP (1 or 2 HP). Once you do so, in the field, use the Pomeg Berry on the Pokemon. This will in turn cause the data in their HP to cycle back to the top of the counter, giving the affected Pokemon 65,535 HP – over 90 times the otherwise possible maximum in the game.

How to catch a Relicanth easily
To catch a Relicanth easily, dive around Sootopolis City and move around the underwater plants just outside. Of course, you could just wait for a Relicanth to come out on its own, but occasionally, if your volume is turned up, you will hear the cry of a Pokemon. Stop as soon as you hear it and go back to where you were when you heard the noise, search around that area and if you were quick enough, a Relicanth should appear straight away.

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PokemonEasy Feebas II
Try changing the trendy phrase in Dewford Town REFRESHING HERO, then fly to Fortree City. Go left to Route 119 and go down to the place that you can SURF below the bridge. Go to the left of the platform, SURF, go out 1 step/box, and up 2 steps/boxes and while facing up, fish with the Super Rod.Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Trick

How to get a dragon scale
You can steal a dragon scale (using thief or convert) from some wild bagons you can encounter these pokemon inside meteor falls after you ride up the waterfall.

Fast Way To Hatch Eggs
To hatch eggs fast you need to find a sandy slope. When you get to the slope attempt to walk up it, you’ll notice that u will fall back down. Plug ur system into the charger and place something on the a button so you are going up-down-up-down on the slope. Leave your system for about 3 hours and when you get back walk away from the slope and your egg will very soon hatch.

Easy experience:
Attach EXP Share. Put the Pokemon you want to gain experience in front of party, then fight someone. When the battle starts, switch it out for a better Pokemon.
At the start of the game, train your starter in the grasses from Littleroot Town to where you fight your rival for your first time.
Fight the Elite Four three times a day.
Fight all of the trainers that have a Poke thing next to their name.
Fight all of the gym leaders again.

Easy catches:
Whenever you want to catch a wild Pokemon, you should first get one of your Pokemon to use moves such as Leer, Growl, and Flash. This will weaken your opponent. Attacking it might also help, but make sure that you do not defeat it. Also bring many Pokeballs with you.

Mirage Island
Mirage Island is an invisble Island located on Route 130. Most of the time it will be invisible but on rare cases, the island will be visible. To find out if the island is there or not, go to Pacifidlog Town and talk to the old man in the bottom right house looking out the window. He will tell you wheter the island is there or not. The cause is unknown so a bit of luck is needed to find it. On the island you will find the rare Leichi Berry that powers up your Pokemon’s attack in battle when it gets weak. In the grass, you will only find Wild Wynauts.

Faster hatching eggs
Simply put a pokemon with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor on your team to cut the amount of steps needed to hatch an egg in half.

Easy money
If you want some cash, go to these spots:
Go north at Mauville city, then search where you can rock smash. Go up and you see a reporter. Fight them and you get some cash.
Still in Mauville, go east and surf at the sea. Go to another land. you see a reporter. Fight them.
Go to Fortee city, go east until you leave fortee city. You see a reporter. Fight them too.
You can do it as much as you can until it’s enough. NOTE: After you fight them,go to a house with TV near the reporter place, and continue to next step.

Pokemon Yellow Slots Trick

Pokemon emerald slot machine tricks

Gold Pokeblock
This cheat really works. Gold poke’blocks increase every contest stat. eg. beauty, toughness and smartness. It raises them heaps. This cheat will take time. Anyway when you beat the elite four and when your in your bedroom the T.V might be on. Click A on it and see what the news says. If it says the Berry Master is coming to Lilycove to mix berries in: (whatever days) Go their when it has been that amount of days and he should be their. Mix berries with him and if you get heaps of perfects you will make a GOLD POKEBLOCK. Anyway, if the T.V doesnt say that the berry master is coming and another event is happening do the elite four until it does say. Note: keeps collecting berries that way you can make heaps.

Tip on winning contests easily
If you are going to enter a pokemon contest, give your pokemon a pokeblock and it will have a better chance of winning.

Walking On Water
When you are about to go to the Team Aqua Hideout Underwater try getting to the entrance as close as possible without entering the cave then dive up and you’ll be suprised that you are walking on water i used my bike before. NOTE: Might take a couple of tries.

Get the Mental Herb
In one of the treehouses in Fortree City is a man with a Wingull. Talk to the Wingull, and it will fly off out of the treehouse. When you get to Mossdeep City, you will see a person with a Wingull. Talk to it and it will fly off as well. Then go back to Fortree City and into the treehouse where you talked to the first Wingull. Talk to the man next to the Wingull, and he will give you the Mental Herb, and item which is a hold item that prevents attraction on the Pokemon that is holding it.

Battle Steven, the former champion.
After beating the Elite Four, a new part of Meteor Falls opens up. It is in the northwestern corner where you found Iron Tail. A new cave was made and you’ll find Steven in it. His Pokemon are in the high 70’s.

Suction cups/Sticky hold’s second ability
If a poke’mon in your party has suction cups/sticky hold as an ability, then you will have an easier time fishing for wild poke’mon.

Inherit Pokemon Natures through breeding.
To do this you need an Everstone. To get one, search in Granite Cave for a lone rock on top of a plateau. Once you get an Everstone, let the a Ditto or a female Pokemon that you are breeding hold on to it. Once you receive and hatch the eggs, the offspring will have a 50% chance of inheriting the Nature from the Pokemon holding the Everstone.

Mystery Gift
To unlock mystery gift, go to a pokemon mart and press A on the piece of paper on the counter. Then insert the words LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL. Press select to easily find the words. After this the store lady will talk to you and tell you that mystery gift is now unlocked.

Synchronize’s second ability
If you have a poke’mon with synchronize as an ability, you will encounter more poke’mon with the same nature as the poke’mon with sychronize. Note that the poke’mon with this ability must be in the front of your party.

Where to get a Ditto
Once you have gotten one of the fossils from Mirage tower, and I think after you defeat the elite four, go to fallabor and visit the Fossil guy’s house. In the back of the house you’ll find the entrance to a c-ave…in it you’ll find the fossil you didn’t chose, AND dittos!

Static’s secondary effect
If you have a pokemon with the Static ability in the front of your party, it increases the chance of finding a wild electric type pokemon. This is EXTREMELY useful for finding rare electric types, like Pikachu in the Safari Zone.

Swarm’s second ability
The Pokemon ability Swarm has 2 effects. It raises Bug-type attacks by 150% when the user is weak, and, new to Emerald, it makes pokemon cry in the background more often. For example, in caves outside of battle, you will hear a Pokemon screech more often.

Learn Volt Tackle
You must have: Pikachu (Male OR Female, or both), Raichu (Male OR Female, or both), Ditto, if you don’t have a Male or Female, A Light Ball. First, get a Light Ball by catching Pikachu in the Safari Zone. This is rare, so be patient. After you get it, put in the two inductees (preferably 2 Pikachus, since you must’ve captured thousands by now) and make sure one of them has a Light Ball. After you get the egg, hatch it into a Pichu. It’ll know Volt Tackle, the Electric-type Double-Edge.

More EXP From EXP Share
To get extra EXP from EXP share, put the pokemon holding EXP share at the front of your party and it will receive 3/4 of the total EXP from the battle.

Easter Eggs

Getting Latias Or Latios
After you defeat the Elite Four, go to your house and watch the television downstairs. After you watch it, your mom will ask you what color the Pokemon is. If you say Red, you will find Latias. If you say Blue, it will be Latios.
Getting the other Lati
To get the other Lati (Latios or Latias), Mix Records with a Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire game that used the Eon Ticket. You can then get to a hidden island via the SS Tidal where you can find the Lati you didn’t choose.
Shiny pokemon
Every time you encounter a pokemon you have a 1/8192 chance of the pokemon being a different color, this is called a shiny pokemon


Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Tricks

UNLOCKABLE 1: Post-Elite Four UnlockablesHOW TO UNLOCK
Battle FrontierBeat the Elite Four.
Upgraded Safari ZoneAfter you defeated the Elite Four, go to the Upgraded Safari Zone. In it you can catch some GSC Pokemon such as Houndour, Aipom, Stantler, Mareep, Miltank, and more.
UNLOCKABLE 2: Easy Eon Ticket
Eon TicketMix Records with a Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire game that used the Eon Ticket. You can then get to a hidden island via the SS Tidal where you can find the Lati you didn’t choose.
UNLOCKABLE 3: Fishing Rods
Old RodTalk to fisherman near Dewford Gum
Good RodTalk to Fisherman on Route 118 (must Surf)
Super RodIn the house north of the Space Center
UNLOCKABLE 4: Glass Items from Ash
Black FluteWalk 1,000 steps in the ash.
Blue FluteWalk 250 steps in the ash.
Pretty ChairWalk 6,000 steps in the ash.
Pretty ChairWalk 8,000 steps in the ash.
Red FluteWalk 500 steps in the ash.
White FluteWalk 1,000 steps in the ash.
Yellow FluteWalk 1,000 steps in the ash.
UNLOCKABLE 5: Post-Elite Four Unlockables
National PokedexBeat the Elite 4. Proffessor Birch will visit you and give it to you once you leave your house.
UNLOCKABLE 6: Prizes from Scott
Gold Shield (Decoration)Win 100 Battles
Lansat BerryObtain all Silver Frontier Symbols
Silver Shield (Decoration)Win 50 Battles
Starf BerryObtain all Gold Frontier Symbols
UNLOCKABLE 7: Hidden/Rare Pokemon
BeldumSee Steven’s house after you beat the Elite four.
CastformTake out the rival team at the weather institute.
Chikorita, Cyndaquil or TododileWhen you complete the 200 Pokemon of Hoenn. Professor Birch will call you on your Pokenav.
DeoxysGet the Aurara Ticket, and go to Birth Island
GroudonBeat the Elite Four, and go to the land lair.
Ho-oh/LugiaGet the Mystic Ticket, and go to Navel Island
KyogreBeat the Elite Four, and go to the sea lair.
MewGet the Old Sea Chart, and go to Faraway Island
RayquazaGet Magma and Aqua to get Kyogre and Groudon out of the cave, and go to Sky Pillar.
Treeko, Torchic, or MudkipHelp Proffesor Birch escape the wild Pokemon.
UNLOCKABLE 8: National Pokedex Diploma
National Pokedex DiplomaCapture all 386 pokemon in your Pokedex. Then go to the hotel in Lilycove City and talk to the Game Designer.
UNLOCKABLE 9: Trainer Card Colors
Bronze RankDo 1 of the tasks above.
Copper RankDo 2 of the tasks mentioned above.
Gold RankDo all of the tasks mentioned above.
Silver RankDo 3 of the tasks mentioned above
UNLOCKABLE 10: Post-Elite Four Unlockables
Trainer HillBeat the Elite Four.
UNLOCKABLE 11: Trick Master Unlockables
Blue or Red TentBeat 8th Challenge
Hard StoneBeat 3rd Challenge
MagnetBeat 6th Challenge
PP MaxBeat 7th Challenge
Rare CandyBeat 1st Challenge
Smoke BallBeat 4th Challenge
TauntBeat 5th Challenge
Timer BallBeat 2nd Challenge
UNLOCKABLE 12: Berry Master’s wife Passwords
Challenge ContestPamtre Berry
Cool LatiosDurin Berry.
Great BattleSpelon Berry.
Overwhelming LatiasWatmel Berry.
Super HustleBelue Berry.
UNLOCKABLE 13: Hidden HM’s
HM TeleportCatch a Abra from Rustboro and look at your pokemon click on Abra and in blue writing it will say teleport wich Teleports you to the last pokemon centre you went to.
HM Sweet scentCatch a Oddish from somewhere and look in your pokemon click on Oddish and in blue writing theres sweet scent go in grass and use it and a pokemon will appear
UNLOCKABLE 14: Gorebyss or Huntail
Gorebyss or HuntailBeat Team Magma and go to Slateport City.Go where their submarine is and the guy will ask you would you like the deep sea scale or the deep sea tooth.If you want Gorebyss you would get the deep sea scale give it to your clamperl trade and it will evolve same thing with Huntail but get the deep sea tooth.
UNLOCKABLE 15: Decoration from contest
Glass OrnamentBeat every type of Master Rank Pokemon contest and you will get a glass ornament to put in your secret base.
PaintingAfter you beat a Master Rank pokemon contest and a painting of your pokemon will be put in the Lilycove museum
RibbonsAfter you beat a contest, a ribbon will be put on your pokemon.You can also get the effort ribbon by raising your first pokemon in your party and then talk to a lady in Slateport.
UNLOCKABLE 16: prizes from scott
starf berryobtain all gold frontier symbols
lansat berryobtain all silver symbols
gold sheildwin 100 battles
silver sheildwin 50 battles